Teachers are the backbone of a school. At Vidya Vikas International School, the academic faculty is recruited on the basis of their academic expertise and experience whilst making certain they have the apt personality and attitude so as to form a cohesive, genial yet mentoring bond with students.
Owing to an excellent student-teacher ratio, teachers are able to devote ample time and attention so that students imbibe their lessons well. Experience aside, the academic faculty regularly undertake a multitude of professional skill-based trainings and workshops so as to enhance their classroom teaching aptitude.
Mr Dilip Vishwanath Kandalkar
Qualification: M.Sc. B.Ed. Subject: Science/ ICT
Mr Ravindra M. Jagtap
Qualification: M.A. B.Ed Subject: Hindi
Mr Aarij Maqsood Ahmed Khaleel Ahmed
Qualification: M.A. B.Ed. Subject: English, S.S.T.
Mr Sandeep M. Ahire
Qualification: B.A. M.P.Ed.
Mr Vaibhav V. Ahire
Qualification: M.Sc. B.Ed. Subject: Science
Mrs. Sonali Jayesh Jagtap
Qualification: B.A. B.Ed.(Appear)
Mr Samadhan A. Kale
Qualification: M.Sc. B.Ed.(Appear) Subject: Mathematics
Mrs Pallavi Vilendra Thakare
Qualification: M.A. M.Ed. Subject: Marathi
Mrs Priya Manohar Gawande
Qualification: M.A. M.Ed. Subject: Marathi
Mrs Ashwini Ravindra Ahire
Qualification: B.A. D.Ed. Sub: English
Mrs Vaishali Abhijeet Sonawane
Qualification: B.A. B.Ed, CTC Subject: English
Mr. Madan Ramchandra Liddad
Qualification: M.A. B.Ed. Subject: Sanskrit
Mr. Harshad Madan Ladake
Qualification: B.Com. Subject: Commerce
Mr. Prasad Ramesh Wagh
Qualification: M.Sc, B.Ed. (App.) Subject: Mathematics
Miss Amruta Kashinath Parhe
Qualification: GD Art Art Master Subject: Drawing, Arts & Crafts
Mr. Shivam Sunil Nikam
Qualification: M.A. B.Ed. Subject: English, S.S.T.