Vidya Vikas International School

CBSE Affiliation No – 1130527 | School Code - 30478

Vidya Vikas International School is affiliated with the Central Board Of Secondary Education School (CBSE) Affiliation Code is 1130527 and School Code is 30478.
1.    The school calendar is framed particularly to preserve the record of homework and assignments.

2.    Worksheetsis, evaluation information and other messages are given to your child/ward by the school.

3.    Kindly assure that your child/ward does the homework humbly, sincerely and regularly for his/her self-confidence and active study.

4.    Kindly read and sign the remarks given by the teachers in the calendar. You are free to share suggestions, and opinions for the ideal achievement of your child/ward will be pleased.

5.    Kindly assist and follow the school principal to maintain the discipline and quality of the institute.

6.    We believe to keep healthy relations between parents and teachers for the child/ward’s intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual or versatile growth.

7.     Kindly send your child to school regularly with the school calendar and please enquire if there are any suggestions, instructions and problems from the school.
